Articles | Volume 16, issue 8
Research article
30 Aug 2016
Research article |  | 30 Aug 2016

Automatic landslide length and width estimation based on the geometric processing of the bounding box and the geomorphometric analysis of DEMs

Mihai Niculiţǎ

Data sets

R script for automatic landslide length and width estimation based on the geometric processing of the bounding box and the geomorphometric analysis of DEMs M. Niculiţă

Short summary
During the creation and geomorphometric analysis of a landslide inventory, I stumbled across an issue: while the majority of the landslides are developed along the direction of material flow and have a larger length than width, there are situations where the landslides have a larger width than length. For distinguishing these long and wide landslides, I devised an algorithm that used the geometric processing of the bounding box and the geomorphometric analysis of a digital elevation model.
Final-revised paper